Please check our Facebook page for more current updates from the campaign trail!
Manchester Students, Teachers Give Testimonies in Hartford in support of Rep. Doucette Legislation (Courant Community April 2, 2020)
Manchester Students, Teachers Give Testimony in Hartford; Testimonies Focus on Workforce Training Legislation Proposed by Rep. Doucette
Doucette Eyes Tax and Liquor Law reforms, Journal Inquirer, February 18, 2020
HARTFORD — In an effort led by area legislators, state lawmakers are considering bills aimed at cutting taxes for the middle class.
Obama Endorses Doucette in House Race, Journal Inquirer October 2, 2018
​Democrat to Vie for 13th House District Seat, Glastonbury Citizen May 10, 2018
Glastonbury Citizen May 10, 2018
Doucette Now Official Candidate for 13th District House Seat
Doucette Now Official Candidate for 13th District House Seat